1,040 research outputs found

    A Testable Solution of the Cosmological Constant and Coincidence Problems

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    We present a new solution to the cosmological constant (CC) and coincidence problems in which the observed value of the CC, Λ\Lambda, is linked to other observable properties of the universe. This is achieved by promoting the CC from a parameter which must to specified, to a field which can take many possible values. The observed value of Lambda ~ 1/(9.3 Gyrs)^2(approximately10(−120)inPlanckunits)isdeterminedbyanewconstraintequationwhichfollowsfromtheapplicationofacausallyrestrictedvariationprinciple.Whenappliedtoourvisibleuniverse,themodelmakesatestablepredictionforthedimensionlessspatialcurvatureofOmegak0=−0.0056sb/0.5;wheresb 1/2isaQCDparameter.Requiringthataclassicalhistoryexist,ourmodeldeterminestheprobabilityofobservingagivenLambda.TheobservedCCvalue,whichwesuccessfullypredict,istypicalwithinourmodelevenbeforetheeffectsofanthropicselectionareincluded.Whenanthropicselectioneffectsareaccountedfor,wefindthattheobservedcoincidencebetweentLambda=Lambda(−1/2)andtheageoftheuniverse,tU,isatypicaloccurrenceinourmodel.IncontrasttomultiverseexplanationsoftheCCproblems,oursolutionisindependentofthechoiceofapriorweightingofdifferent (approximately 10^(-120) in Planck units) is determined by a new constraint equation which follows from the application of a causally restricted variation principle. When applied to our visible universe, the model makes a testable prediction for the dimensionless spatial curvature of Omega_k0 = -0.0056 s_b/0.5; where s_b ~ 1/2 is a QCD parameter. Requiring that a classical history exist, our model determines the probability of observing a given Lambda. The observed CC value, which we successfully predict, is typical within our model even before the effects of anthropic selection are included. When anthropic selection effects are accounted for, we find that the observed coincidence between t_Lambda = Lambda^(-1/2) and the age of the universe, t_U, is a typical occurrence in our model. In contrast to multiverse explanations of the CC problems, our solution is independent of the choice of a prior weighting of different \Lambda$-values and does not rely on anthropic selection effects. Our model includes no unnatural small parameters and does not require the introduction of new dynamical scalar fields or modifications to general relativity, and it can be tested by astronomical observations in the near future.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures; v2: version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Particle-wave duality: a dichotomy between symmetry and asymmetry

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    Symmetry plays a central role in many areas of modern physics. Here we show that it also underpins the dual particle and wave nature of quantum systems. We begin by noting that a classical point particle breaks translational symmetry whereas a wave with uniform amplitude does not. This provides a basis for associating particle nature with asymmetry and wave nature with symmetry. We derive expressions for the maximum amount of classical information we can have about the symmetry and asymmetry of a quantum system with respect to an arbitrary group. We find that the sum of the information about the symmetry (wave nature) and the asymmetry (particle nature) is bounded by log(D) where D is the dimension of the Hilbert space. The combination of multiple systems is shown to exhibit greater symmetry and thus more wavelike character. In particular, a class of entangled systems is shown to be capable of exhibiting wave-like symmetry as a whole while exhibiting particle-like asymmetry internally. We also show that superdense coding can be viewed as being essentially an interference phenomenon involving wave-like symmetry with respect to the group of Pauli operators.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Einstein static universes are unstable in generic f(R) models

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    We study Einstein static universes in the context of generic f(R) models. It is shown that Einstein static solutions exist for a wide variety of modified gravity models sourced by a barotropic perfect fluid with equation of state w=p/rho, but these solutions are always unstable to either homogeneous or inhomogeneous perturbations. Our general results are in agreement with specific models investigated in that past. We also discuss how our techniques can be applied to other scenarios in f(R) gravity.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections. Minor changes and references added to match version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Parametrized post-Newtonian virial theorem

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    Using the parametrized post-Newtonian equations of hydrodynamics, we derive the tensor form of the parametrized post-Newtonian virial theorem.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to CQ

    Born-Infeld type Gravity

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    Generalizations of gravitational Born-Infeld type lagrangians are investigated. Phenomenological constraints (reduction to Einstein-Hilbert action for small curvature, spin two ghost freedom and absence of Coulomb like Schwarschild singularity) select one effective lagrangian whose dynamics is dictated by the tensors g_{\mu\nu} and R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}(not R_{\mu\nu} or the scalar R).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, revte

    A Way to Dynamically Overcome the Cosmological Constant Problem

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    The Cosmological Constant problem can be solved once we require that the full standard Einstein Hilbert lagrangian, gravity plus matter, is multiplied by a total derivative. We analyze such a picture writing the total derivative as the covariant gradient of a new vector field (b_mu). The dynamics of this b_mu field can play a key role in the explanation of the present cosmological acceleration of the Universe.Comment: 5 page

    Stellar configurations in f(R) theories of gravity

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    We study stellar configurations and the space-time around them in metric f(R)f(R) theories of gravity. In particular, we focus on the polytropic model of the Sun in the f(R)=R−μ4/Rf(R)=R-\mu^4/R model. We show how the stellar configuration in the f(R)f(R) theory can, by appropriate initial conditions, be selected to be equal to that described by the Lane-Emden -equation and how a simple scaling relation exists between the solutions. We also derive the correct solution analytically near the center of the star in f(R)f(R) theory. Previous analytical and numerical results are confirmed, indicating that the space-time around the Sun is incompatible with Solar System constraints on the properties of gravity. Numerical work shows that stellar configurations, with a regular metric at the center, lead to γPPN≃1/2\gamma_{PPN}\simeq1/2 outside the star ie. the Schwarzschild-de Sitter -space-time is not the correct vacuum solution for such configurations. Conversely, by selecting the Schwarzschild-de Sitter -metric as the outside solution, we find that the stellar configuration is unchanged but the metric is irregular at the center. The possibility of constructing a f(R)f(R) theory compatible with the Solar System experiments and possible new constraints arising from the radius-mass -relation of stellar objects is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, reference adde

    The Post-Newtonian Limit of f(R)-gravity in the Harmonic Gauge

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    A general analytic procedure is developed for the post-Newtonian limit of f(R)f(R)-gravity with metric approach in the Jordan frame by using the harmonic gauge condition. In a pure perturbative framework and by using the Green function method a general scheme of solutions up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order is shown. Considering the Taylor expansion of a generic function ff it is possible to parameterize the solutions by derivatives of ff. At Newtonian order, (v/c)2(v/c)^2, all more important topics about the Gauss and Birkhoff theorem are discussed. The corrections to "standard" gravitational potential (tttt-component of metric tensor) generated by an extended uniform mass ball-like source are calculated up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order. The corrections, Yukawa and oscillating-like, are found inside and outside the mass distribution. At last when the limit f→Rf\rightarrow R is considered the f(R)f(R)-gravity converges in General Relativity at level of Lagrangian, field equations and their solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    On the penetration of meridional circulation below the solar convection zone

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    Meridional flows with velocities of a few meters per second are observed in the uppermost regions of the solar convection zone. The amplitude and pattern of the flows deeper in the solar interior, in particular near the top of the radiative region, are of crucial importance to a wide range of solar magnetohydrodynamical processes. In this paper, we provide a systematic study of the penetration of large-scale meridional flows from the convection zone into the radiative zone. In particular, we study the effects of the assumed boundary conditions applied at the convective-radiative interface on the deeper flows. Using simplified analytical models in conjunction with more complete numerical methods, we show that penetration of the convectively-driven meridional flows into the deeper interior is not necessarily limited to a shallow Ekman depth but can penetrate much deeper, depending on how the convective-radiative interface flows are modeled.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Subitted to Ap

    The evolution of density perturbations in f(R) gravity

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    We give a rigorous and mathematically well defined presentation of the Covariant and Gauge Invariant theory of scalar perturbations of a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe for Fourth Order Gravity, where the matter is described by a perfect fluid with a barotropic equation of state. The general perturbations equations are applied to a simple background solution of R^n gravity. We obtain exact solutions of the perturbations equations for scales much bigger than the Hubble radius. These solutions have a number of interesting features. In particular, we find that for all values of n there is always a growing mode for the density contrast, even if the universe undergoes an accelerated expansion. Such a behaviour does not occur in standard General Relativity, where as soon as Dark Energy dominates, the density contrast experiences an unrelenting decay. This peculiarity is sufficiently novel to warrant further investigation on fourth order gravity models.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, submitted to PR
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